Saturday, April 12, 2014

Terrace Field & Purple Wisteria

I finished two pieces this week. The first one is more of a background and foreground distinction pieces and I'd leave a question on the next page and ask my readers to color in the color that they think is for the background. The answer, which is purple, will be on the next page. The second one is the terrace farming field with blank/ white space for my readers to fill out. I'll make this piece probably the last one of the book. I'd like to play with the interaction idea and try to involve my readers in the creation process in my next piece.


  1. These pieces are beautiful. I find them to be visually soothing. I wonder, will you have a prototype of your book pulled together for the presentation at the end of the month or will you show your collection of pieces and perhaps explain the tie in to your autism research through your blog or a poster?

  2. I think Mrs. Archambault presented some interesting ideas for the display of your work. If you don't think you'll have the actual book by that time, perhaps you and I could work on printing one ourselves and displaying it on the wall. Let's talk about it more on Thursday.
